Vestergaard Company’s Code of Conduct is based on the values of Vestergaard Company and applies to all employees, including managers and directors. The code sets standards for employees of Vestergaard Company on ethical behaviour and serves as a tool to help understand our policies.
Vestergaard is a global company, but with deep roots in Danish soil and Danish values. Values such as integrity, transparency, fair-play and trust are deeply rooted in our company culture and is a natural way of doing business.
To us, it goes without saying that we must always comply with the laws that apply to us. Besides national legislation, we must follow the principles described in this code. This Code describes the role, rights, duties and responsibilities of Vestergaard employees and therefore what behaviour stakeholders can expect from us.
Vestergaard fully support the UN Global Compact’s ten principles. We believe that by incorporating the ten principals into our business operations, policies and strategies and by establishing a culture of integrity, we are upholding our responsibility to the people and planet, while setting the path for future success. We embrace and enact values that support human rights, labour, the environment, and anti-corruption.
Vestergaard employees are strongly encouraged to take action promptly when faced with non-compliance with the Code of Conduct. Employees should bring non-compliance to the attention of our internal compliance function or alternatively to his/her superior, who will then take care of the matter.
Download the full Code of Conduct document below: