
Vestergaard Company is honored with an inclusivity award

June 29, 2023

Lejre Municipality’s Inclusivity Award (Da: Rummelighedspris) rewards local companies that create inclusive workplaces within the municipality of Lejre. The municipality wants to promote an inclusive labor market, focusing on retaining and/or integrating employees who would otherwise not make it in the labor market.

In 2023, Vestergaard Company was nominated for the award and won it with the following reasoning:

Vestergaard Company A/S has created a workplace with an inclusive culture, where there is space and willingness to welcome integrated citizens, young, sick, and vulnerable citizens in the company, to educate or train them, and to employ them afterwards. This may be in both ordinary jobs or flexible jobs. Vestergaard Company also works with inclusivity with a long-term view. Our ambition is to take on more apprentices, including adult apprentices, and ensure skilled labor by upgrading the skills of unskilled workers to skilled workers.

When receiving the award, Vestergaard Company’s director Stefan Vestergaard said:

“At Vestergaard Company, we want to be ambassadors helping each other, and we succeed because all our employees demonstrate incredible inclusivity and willingness to do the right thing.

No one is worth more than the other. It is simply about finding out how to understand and where to use the potential of the individual – regardless of whether it concerns a new employee who has not yet gained a footing in the labor market and needs extra support and guidance, or an experienced employee who is suddenly faced with a new reality and can no longer carry out their long-standing job. In any case, we at Vestergaard Company are both willing and happy to make it succeed.

Perhaps it is because the Vestergaard family is from the country, and for us, it is quite natural that you help each other. And in the company’s more than 60 years, there have been many situations where a new place had to be found for an employee.”.